Tmbercreek Asset Management


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Asset Management Journal Guide

Diligently managed assets of a business organization can make a lot of difference in its profit percentages. Judicious control over all tangible and intangible assets of a company makes sure that there are no leaking funds in the organization and all assets are utilized at maximum capacity. An inefficient management of resources and incorrect information about the objects in a commercial establishment may lead to drainage of finances and in turn adversely affect company?s performance.

Realizing the importance of asset management in any company?s performance has led to newer advanced strategies in this field of trade. Entire business management consists of host of issues comprising of cost management, capital budgeting, expense accounting, financial planning and reporting and many other similar topics. Asset management constitutes a large percentage of managing concerns in an organization. Apart from administering tangible goods, raw materials, finished products, vehicles, buildings and many other such items modern businesses also need to manage their intellectual assets.

Asset management is a comprehensive term and usually requires professional handling of the situation. There are many commercial asset-managing firms that offer services for administering various resources of the company. Many software are presently available in market that enable efficient managing of a companies assets. Traditional asset management meant dealing mostly with fixed assets in their every stage of life cycle. Entire infrastructure related to factory establishment comes under asset management.

Monitoring the whereabouts of assets, ensuring the availability of all resources required in an industry whether easily available or scarce is an integral part of managing assets for that company. Finalizing purchasing requests, valuation, depreciation, asset receipts, maintenance, warranties, user data and other related physical attributes of an asset form a major role of an asset manager.

Optimal judgment about methodology applied for managing assets of different enterprises differs according to their unique characteristics. No one procedure that has been successful for one concern can guarantee similar affluent results for another enterprise with different objectives.

Professional asset managers are also required to fix emergency problems arising due to unanticipated reduction in production capacity or a major break down in plants machinery, etc. the training received by them during their learning and skills learnt through experience facilitates a asset manager to handle every job diligently. Regular maintenance of assets ensures an adequate potential of asset manager while, recovering quickly from unpredicted adverse situation test the actual capability of asset management in a company.

The asset manager is liable to provide information about vast enquires related to it. The actual cost at procurement, vendor?s details, the department and the particular team that is using it, the physical location, depreciation and any other data related should always be available at any point of time. All this helps in efficient running of a business enterprise. Decisions as when new machinery needs to be purchased or the firm could carry on with just repairing old machinery and judgment about whether the concern should buy an asset or should lease it depends on information provided by the asset manger of the company.

: Mansi aggarwal writes about asset management journal news. Learn more .

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Free Asset Management Software

Asset management software applications that help a company optimize its asset utilization are highly sophisticated applications providing comprehensive functionality and are usually not available for free. However, a few companies offering information technology asset management software applications and other limited functionality asset management software provide free versions or trial versions that can be used free for a limited period of time.

Information technology assets include computers, printers, scanners and software licenses. Several firms have developed asset management software specifically for information technology assets.

SysAid is one such firm that offers free Asset Management Software. The available version is completely free, with no trial period, but the limitation is that it works in organizations with less than a hundred computers. If an organization with larger IT assets wants to use this software, it has to buy the full version from the vendor. The software enables you to view details of the hardware, the software, the manufacturers, the printers, and other assets on one?s network. It also prints reports of the organization?s hardware/software inventory.

Similarly, FootPrints? Asset Management software is available for free for an evaluation period of thirty days. This software among its many functionalities helps maintain software license compliance by automatically creating a dynamic audit of all software applications across the organization.

Free asset management software applications for management of financial assets are also available but are comparatively difficult to locate. These usually are meant to help an individual construct a portfolio and manage his or her investments. Web based applications are more commonly available.

Freeware and shareware versions of asset management software applications are available on popular download web sites such as and These sites also usually provide user reviews of the software applications as well as provide ratings based on user feedback.

Asset Management Software provides detailed information on Asset Management Software, Digital Asset Management Software, Inventory Asset Management Software, Fixed Asset Management Software and more. Asset Management Software is affiliated with Free Project Management Software.

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